

My name is Daniil Vlásenko.

I’m a graduate of the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics of St. Petersburg State University, I studied mathematics and computer science. Also, I studied at Bioinformatics Institute in the program "Algorithmic Bioinformatics". Now I’m a research-assistant in the Theoretical Neuroscience Group of Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience and a master's student at Higher School of Economics in the program "Cognitive Sciences and Technologies: From Neuron to Cognition".

I want to develop methods for analysing brain data, I’m interested in network science, statistics, computational neuroscience, and also in visual arts. If we have common interests, please write to me, I am glad to meet new people. 🙂

Curriculum vitae

Visual creativity

Photos of me


Ru Contacts

telegram twitter vk linkedin github daniil.vlasenko.vl@gmail.com